General Rules and Guidelines
- Be smart. Be friendly.
- Don't flood, spam, talk in CAPS, etc.
- Don't advertise or use the realm to sell or buy anything with real money.
- Multilogging is allowed only for muling purposes *, up to two accounts logged in.
- Items dropped on the ground do not belong to anyone. Use passworded games to avoid them being stolen.
- Don't cheat, abuse exploits or use incorrect versions.
- We will not be responsible for any hacking or stealing on your account caused by a weak password or account/password sharing
- We won’t do any rollbacks unless it was caused unambiguously/clearly/provably by some server error
- Hateful or racist character names will not be tolerated
- Inactive accounts are deleted after 2 years
Allowed Tools
- D2StatsReader
If you experience any issues with these tools, try running them as an administrator. Any external tool not listed here is forbidden and will lead to a permanent ban to that account and all other accounts that logged from that IP Address or computer. For that reason, it is highly recommended not to share accounts with other people.
Report a player
Username | Date | Reason |
hydra22 | 26/01/25 | breaking tos |
zxc666 | 26/01/25 | breaking tos |
Andrev90 | 18/08/24 | Illegal Tool |
banhbaola | 27/06/24 | Illegal Tool |
ld-tp | 27/05/24 | Illegal Tool |
klappa | 18/05/24 | Character name against ToS |
xuemei | 09/05/24 | Illegal Tool |
ld-pal | 09/05/24 | Illegal Tool |
Qne | 06/05/24 | breaking tos |
KechyeRabel | 03/05/24 | Duping |
Regu | 03/05/24 | Duping |
cooldude | 02/05/24 | Duping |
yeah123 | 02/05/24 | Duping |
snowicetea | 21/12/23 | Illegal Tool |
darkdevil2 | 09/11/23 | breaking tos |
khanhviet | 09/11/23 | breaking tos |
darkdevil | 09/11/23 | breaking tos |
darkdevil9 | 09/11/23 | breaking tos |
wow | 19/10/23 | Illegal Tool |
sacdac8888 | 17/09/23 | breaking tos |
sacdac4444 | 17/09/23 | breaking tos |
sacdac1111 | 17/09/23 | breaking tos |
sacdac9999 | 17/09/23 | breaking tos |
sacdac6666 | 17/09/23 | breaking tos |
sacdac7777 | 17/09/23 | breaking tos |
sacdac5555 | 17/09/23 | breaking tos |
sacdac3333 | 17/09/23 | breaking tos |
sacdac2222 | 17/09/23 | breaking tos |
sacdac333 | 17/09/23 | breaking tos |
keei | 08/08/23 | --- |
Beifong | 16/07/23 | --- |
W7750224 | 14/07/23 | --- |
dev_bebug | 30/06/23 | --- |
_ever | 30/06/23 | --- |
_dev | 30/06/23 | --- |
_debug | 30/06/23 | --- |
Uldyssian | 30/06/23 | --- |
Navory | 08/06/23 | stealing,duping |
ProXXX | 24/04/23 | --- |
nope_dev | 24/04/23 | --- |
ben | 24/04/23 | --- |
d2admin_dev | 24/04/23 | --- |
admindev | 24/04/23 | --- |
Exception | 24/04/23 | --- |
dev_debug_ui | 24/04/23 | --- |
d2debug- | 24/04/23 | --- |
debug- | 24/04/23 | --- |
d2debug | 24/04/23 | --- |
MarcoPidaras | 24/04/23 | --- |
admin_dev1 | 24/04/23 | --- |
admindebug | 24/04/23 | --- |
admin_db | 24/04/23 | --- |
admin_dbg | 24/04/23 | --- |
whist_dev | 24/04/23 | --- |
Admin_developer | 24/04/23 | --- |
dev_admin | 24/04/23 | --- |
Tunnell | 15/04/23 | --- |
blat | 15/04/23 | --- |
wyrd987 | 15/04/23 | --- |
LikeItAlot | 15/04/23 | --- |
meteor7 | 15/04/23 | --- |
Holy1Holy | 15/04/23 | --- |
trolly448 | 11/04/23 | --- |
react3 | 04/03/23 | Illegal Tool |
react | 26/02/23 | --- |
react2 | 26/02/23 | --- |
sa66 | 26/02/23 | Abusing bugs |
farseer | 15/02/23 | Abusing bugs |
sa77 | 15/02/23 | Abusing bugs |
lt32-pal | 18/01/23 | --- |
lt32-1 | 18/01/23 | --- |
ltseed | 18/01/23 | --- |
lt32-nec | 18/01/23 | --- |
lt32-set | 18/01/23 | --- |
lt32-ama | 18/01/23 | --- |
lt32-asn | 18/01/23 | --- |
lt32-sor | 18/01/23 | --- |
lt32-dru | 18/01/23 | --- |
lt32-bar | 18/01/23 | --- |
ltrp | 18/01/23 | --- |
tbjd | 18/01/23 | --- |
del333 | 18/01/23 | --- |
Dyson | 24/11/22 | Illegal Tool |
nigga | 12/11/22 | Racist account names |
FrodMortell | 06/11/22 | --- |
Dolbobey | 01/11/22 | --- |
ZeroFucksGiven | 30/10/22 | --- |
nomercy | 18/08/22 | --- |
sky70266 | 05/02/17 | Illegal Maphack |
krol | 23/01/17 | Illegal Maphack |
jwar | 23/01/17 | Illegal Maphack |
ViolenceJ | 23/01/17 | Illegal Maphack |
krol2 | 23/01/17 | Illegal Maphack |
Kroll | 23/01/17 | Illegal Maphack |
darkrai | 23/01/17 | Multilogging |
osb-cutie | 23/01/17 | Multilogging |
pandashade | 23/01/17 | Multilogging |
notorius | 22/01/17 | Account Stealing |
Tenacious-D | 22/01/17 | Account Stealing |
iron-bunny | 22/01/17 | Account Stealing |
1mragy1 | 22/01/17 | Account Stealing |
fucking | 22/01/17 | Account Stealing |
magyar-rock | 22/01/17 | Account Stealing |
hell-xxl | 22/01/17 | Account Stealing |
trash-hungary | 22/01/17 | Account Stealing |
diabloxxl | 22/01/17 | Account Stealing |
en-vagyok | 22/01/17 | Account Stealing |
hell-mashine | 22/01/17 | Account Stealing |
LiZz | 14/01/17 | Cheating |
Emperor | 14/01/17 | Illegal Maphack |
lampVN | 28/11/16 | Illegal Maphack |
lampvn2 | 28/11/16 | Illegal Maphack |
lampvn3 | 28/11/16 | Illegal Maphack |
lampvn4 | 28/11/16 | Illegal Maphack |
lampvn1 | 28/11/16 | Illegal Maphack |
Reya | 27/11/16 | Illegal Maphack |
ist | 27/11/16 | Illegal Maphack |
huyenthoaibns | 25/11/16 | Multilogging |
bnshuyenthoai | 25/11/16 | Multilogging |
CursedGhost | 20/11/16 | Illegal Tool |
M-Afk | 20/11/16 | Illegal Tool |
IIIIIIIIIIIIIII | 20/11/16 | Illegal Tool |
Of_Vein | 20/11/16 | Illegal Tool |
paladin_doom | 20/11/16 | Illegal Tool |
kiki91 | 17/11/16 | Illegal Maphack |
InSnakeWeTrust | 10/11/16 | Stupidity |
qndel | 10/11/16 | Stupidity |
TS-qndel | 10/11/16 | Stupidity |
qndelmule | 10/11/16 | Stupidity |
djibzibi | 08/11/16 | Illegal Maphack |
xharki | 25/10/16 | Multilogging |
xhark | 25/10/16 | Multilogging |
xhawk | 25/10/16 | Multilogging |
dears | 25/10/16 | Multilogging |
cutes | 25/10/16 | Multilogging |
prettycutesi | 25/10/16 | Multilogging |
prettycutes | 25/10/16 | Multilogging |
plemondbee | 23/10/16 | Illegal Maphack |
MasterOfAnus | 23/10/16 | Illegal Maphack |
DildoGod | 23/10/16 | Illegal Maphack |
StrawToSemen | 23/10/16 | Illegal Maphack |
IShitMyPanties | 23/10/16 | Illegal Maphack |
TheMostBanned | 23/10/16 | Illegal Maphack |
unofficial_b0t | 23/10/16 | Illegal Maphack |
CockGobbler | 23/10/16 | Illegal Maphack |
_--__L_ft867 | 23/10/16 | Illegal Maphack |
A__-_LiII_JonxX | 23/10/16 | Illegal Maphack |
G__-_LiII_J0nXx | 23/10/16 | Illegal Maphack |
O__-_L1lI_J0nXx | 23/10/16 | Illegal Maphack |
L__-_L1Il_JOnxX | 23/10/16 | Illegal Maphack |
_--__M_ft548 | 23/10/16 | Illegal Maphack |
_--__X_ft930 | 23/10/16 | Illegal Maphack |
_--__B_ft283 | 23/10/16 | Illegal Maphack |
wAt_IoI_hackz22 | 23/10/16 | Illegal Maphack |
wAt_Iol_hackz22 | 23/10/16 | Illegal Maphack |
wAt_loI_hackz22 | 23/10/16 | Illegal Maphack |
unofficial_bot | 22/10/16 | Illegal Maphack |
GOpO | 21/10/16 | Illegal Maphack |
LinKuei | 20/10/16 | Illegal Maphack |
CloseToZex | 20/10/16 | Illegal Maphack |
Insect | 20/10/16 | Illegal Maphack |
sleeper | 20/10/16 | Illegal Maphack |
xah_mf | 18/10/16 | Multilogging |
fanatik2 | 18/10/16 | Multilogging |
DIII | 18/10/16 | Multilogging |
Fanatik | 18/10/16 | Multilogging |
Infekt | 16/10/16 | Illegal Maphack |
TTv-Flwr | 16/10/16 | Illegal Tool |
Accountant | 16/10/16 | Illegal Tool |
Zaylee | 16/10/16 | Illegal Tool |
SoSoGirl | 16/10/16 | Illegal Tool |
DasAtoilet | 16/10/16 | Illegal Tool |
Ts-Nattan | 16/10/16 | Illegal Maphack |
nattan2 | 16/10/16 | Illegal Maphack |
nattan | 16/10/16 | Illegal Maphack |
nattan3 | 16/10/16 | Illegal Maphack |
tranduc | 15/10/16 | Illegal Maphack |
shjnjchjsky123 | 15/10/16 | Illegal Maphack |
tranduc1 | 15/10/16 | Illegal Maphack |
Lee | 14/10/16 | Illegal Maphack |
Influx | 14/10/16 | Illegal Maphack |
WPWW | 12/09/16 | Stupidity |
WhitePride | 12/09/16 | Stupidity |
HARBiOYUNCU | 10/09/16 | Multilogging |
sunny2 | 10/09/16 | Multilogging |
sunny1 | 10/09/16 | Multilogging |
sunny4 | 10/09/16 | Multilogging |
sunny3 | 10/09/16 | Multilogging |
w-c | 07/09/16 | Illegal Maphack |
live998 | 24/08/16 | Multilogging |
janna | 24/08/16 | Multilogging |
live999 | 24/08/16 | Multilogging |
vi | 24/08/16 | Multilogging |
live996 | 24/08/16 | Multilogging |
live997 | 24/08/16 | Multilogging |
live995 | 24/08/16 | Multilogging |
sting-er | 22/08/16 | Illegal Maphack |
diabloel | 22/08/16 | Illegal Maphack |
matix1992-1 | 22/08/16 | Illegal Maphack |
saturas12 | 22/08/16 | Illegal Maphack |